This application implements a basic API backend. It consists of an Amazon API Gateway endpoint and an AWS Lambda function. When you send a GET request to the API Gateway endpoint, the Lambda function is invoked. This function returns a hello world message.
New World (Phase 3) sub download
If you see "message": "hello world" after running the curl command, you've successfully deployed your serverless application to the AWS Cloud, and you're calling your live Lambda function. Otherwise, see the Troubleshooting section later in this tutorial.
The start-api command starts up a local endpoint that replicates your REST API endpoint. The command also downloads an execution container that you can run your function in locally. The end result is the same output that you saw when you called your function in the AWS Cloud.
The term New World is often used to mean the majority of Earth's Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas.[1] The term gained prominence in the early 16th century, during Europe's Age of Discovery, shortly after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci concluded that America (now often called the Americas) represented a new continent, and subsequently published his findings in a pamphlet he titled Latin: Mundus Novus.[2] This realization expanded the geographical horizon of classical European geographers, who had thought the world consisted of Africa, Europe, and Asia, collectively now referred to as the Old World, or Afro-Eurasia. The Americas were thus also referred to as "the fourth part of the world".[3]
The Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto used the term un altro mondo" ("another world") to refer to sub-Saharan Africa, which he explored in 1455 and 1456 on behalf of the Portuguese.[4] This was merely a literary flourish, not a suggestion of a new "fourth" part of the world; Cadamosto was aware that sub-Saharan Africa was part of the African continent.
In Columbus's 1499 letter to the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, reporting the results of his third voyage, he relates how the massive waters of South America's Orinoco delta rushing into the Gulf of Paria implied that a previously unknown continent must lie behind it.[10] Columbus proposes that the South American landmass is not a "fourth" continent, but rather the terrestrial paradise of Biblical tradition, a land allegedly known (but undiscovered) by Christendom.[11] In another letter (to the nurse of Prince John, written 1500), Columbus refers to having reached a "new heavens and world" ("nuevo cielo é mundo")[12] and that he had placed "another world" ("otro mundo") under the dominion of the Kings of Spain.[13]
In passed days I wrote very fully to you of my return from new countries, which have been found and explored with the ships, at the cost and by the command of this Most Serene King of Portugal; and it is lawful to call it a new world, because none of these countries were known to our ancestors and to all who hear about them they will be entirely new. For the opinion of the ancients was, that the greater part of the world beyond the equinoctial line to the south was not land, but only sea, which they have called the Atlantic; and even if they have affirmed that any continent is there, they have given many reasons for denying it is inhabited. But this opinion is false, and entirely opposed to the truth. My last voyage has proved it, for I have found a continent in that southern part; full of animals and more populous than our Europe, or Asia, or Africa, and even more temperate and pleasant than any other region known to us.
Peter Martyr, who had been writing and circulating private letters commenting on Columbus's discoveries since 1493, often shares credit with Vespucci for designating the Americas as a new world.[18] Peter Martyr used the term Orbe Novo (literally, "New Globe", but often translated as "New World") in the title of his history of the discovery of the Americas as a whole, which began to appear in 1511. (Cosmologically, "orbis" as used here refers to the whole hemisphere, while "mundus" refers to the land within it.)[19]
The term "New World" is still commonly employed when discussing historic spaces, particularly the voyages of Christopher Columbus and the subsequent European colonization of the Americas. It has been framed as being problematic for applying a colonial perspective of discovery and not doing justice to either the historic or geographic complexity of the world. It is argued that both 'worlds' and the age of Western colonialism rather entered a new stage,[28] as in the 'modern world'.
Jean PiagetSensorimotor StageSensorimotor Stage of Cognitive DevelopmentBy Dr. Saul McLeod, updated 2019The sensorimotor stage is the first of the four stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive development. It extends from birth to approximately 2 years, and is a period of rapid cognitive growth.During this period, infants develop an understanding of the world through coordinating sensory experiences (seeing, hearing) with motor actions (reaching, touching).The main development during the sensorimotor stage is the understanding that objects exist and events occur in the world independently of one's own actions ('the object concept', or 'object permanence').
For easy reading on your computer, notebook, tablet, or handheld device, click to download the electronic version of the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard. This version provides hyperlinks between the standards text, tables and images. Please note that the page numbers vary slightly between the original and electronic versions. When citing specific page numbers, please note when you are referring to the electronic version text.
The World Anti-Doping Code (Code) is the core document that harmonizes anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport organizations and among public authorities around the world. It works in conjunction with eight International Standards which aim to foster consistency among anti-doping organizations in various areas.
The Code was never designed to be a document that stood still. As anti-doping developed, so would the ideas that would form rules, regulations and policies in the future. Following the experience gained in the application of the 2004 Code, WADA initiated consultation processes in 2006, 2011 and 2017 to review the Code. These review processes were fully collaborative processes that involved the whole anti-doping community, all of whom sought an enhanced Code that would benefit athletes around the world.
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